
Product Withdrawal Notice

Date: 21/06/2022

Product Withdrawal Notice

Product Withdrawal - EasyClip, AlphaSnap, 6C08 modules

Product Withdrawal - EasyClip, AlphaSnap, 6C08 modules

HellermannTyton Connectivity will be discontinuing its range of Easy Clip, Alpha Snap and 6C08 IDC punch down modules.

Reason for withdrawal:

These products have been superseded by a new HTC product range.

Time Schedule:

All products from the appendix list will no longer be available for sale as of July 20th, 2022. HellermannTyton will continue to accept purchase orders up until this date. Any orders received after July 20th, 2022, will not be accepted. All outstanding orders will be produced and delivered by no later August 31st 2022.

Downloads and Links

To download the Customer Product Withdrawal Notice, please follow the link below: