
Reducing plastic in our packaging since 2010


Reducing plastic in our packaging since 2010

Reducing plastic in our packaging since 2010

HellermannTyton over the decades has been removing plastic from its packaging and is now free from polybags in many of its ranges. We are working to remove them from all products where possible.

This reduction in plastic packaging not only has a positive impact on the environment but provides additional benefits including reduced installation times from simply reducing the time it takes to remove the products from their packaging. As a result of HellermannTyton operating greener, it means the installer and end user are also greener.

HellermannTyton is working closely with many of its prime customers to reduce and remove single use plastic. Some of our customers are advocating a positive pro-active stance.

SKY – SKY Ocean Rescue, Pass on Plastic campaign have worked with HellermannTyton in stamping out single use plastic by ensuring deliveries of copper patch leads, fibre patch leads and POD boxes are be supplied WITHOUT polybags and in recyclable cardboard boxes. Read more about Sky here >

See the packaging comparison below

We've worked to remove single use plastic from most of our range of copper patch leads, keystone jacks, patch panels and POD boxes. Move the slider to see 2010 vs. 2020.

More information

Plastic Free Packaging