
16 Port FRBU Closure

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The FRBU is an IP68/IK09 rated sealed dome closure with several lengths and port-type/configuration options.

The FRBU is an IP68 rated sealed dome closure which offers a range of closure lengths.  It is manufactured from UV stable Polypropylene and meets the environmental and optical performance requirements of the European and International standards for sealed dome closures.

The new base configuration offers the option of increased dropped capacity in a smaller footprint. The 16 Port configuration offers 16 drop ports for cables or ducts up to 9.5mm to be mechanically sealed to the base as well as an LM Cablelok oval port for mid-span cable deployments.

In-base features for closure mounting on poles, building facades or inside underground chambers

The FRBU closures offer a wide range of tray configurations and offers a maximum of 144 fibre splices or 72 fibre splices and a loop storage management basket.  The FRBU range of closures will support either point-to-point (P2P) or point-to-multi-point (P2MP) topologies for both Active Ethernet or PON-based protocols and has options for either pigtails or pre-connectorised splitters in either 1x4 or 1x8 configurations.

In-base features for closure mounting on poles, building facades or inside underground chambers enables the cover to be removed whilst the closure is still mounted, allowing in-situ installation or maintenance. All bases and covers of the entire FRBU family are interchangeable to maximise product flexibility.

Features and benefits

  • IP68 (EN 50411-2-4 & ISO/IEC 61753-1)
  • Maximum 144 fibre splice capacity
  • 16 round ports and 1 oval port
  • 2 Cover lengths
  • Fibre storage basket for loop through applications
  • Accommodates Hellapon Medium or Hellapon Small trays
  • Maximum 24 splices per tray (double stacked)
  • Splitter accommodation
  • Cablelok compatible for all port sizes
  • Quick release cover
  • Optional flash test valve and/or grounding feed-through
  • Base mounting features allowing in-situ installation and maintenance

Features at a glance

IP68 (EN 50411-2-4 & ISO/IEC 61753-1)

IP68 (EN 50411-2-4 & ISO/IEC 61753-1)

In-base features for closure mounting on poles, building facades or inside underground chambers

In-base features for closure mounting on poles, building facades or inside underground chambers

16 drop ports for cables or ducts up to 9.5mm

16 drop ports for cables or ducts up to 9.5mm

Anchoring options

Anchoring options

2 Cover lengths with Hellapon Medium or Hellapon Small trays

2 Cover lengths with Hellapon Medium or Hellapon Small trays

Fibre storage basket for loop through applications

Fibre storage basket for loop through applications